This guide describes how to set-up an Eclipse installation for Nomad PIM development. If there are problems with this guide, please ask in the Developer Mailing List.
Required steps
Install Java (Java 5 is recommended and at least Java 5 is required)
- Download JDK 5
- Install the JDK 5
Install Eclipse
- Download Eclipse (Version 3.3 for RCP/Plug-in Developers is recommended)
- Extract Eclipse. It is highly recommended to start Eclipse with a JDK, because this provides some default settings (such as Standard JVM, compiler compliance level 1.5)
Install additional Eclipse plugin-ins
This can be done using update sites (requires starting Eclipse), or by downloading and unzipping the plug-ins to the corresponding directories- Install a Subversion plug-in for Eclipse (Subversive is preferred, because it supports single commits over several projects in the same repository)
- Optional: Install TagSEA plug-in for quickly navigating to marked source code locations
Set up your Eclipse workspace
- Start Eclipse with a clean workspace
- If you are using Subversive on a non-Windows platform, please set the SVN client to SVNKit (see note)
- Download a team project set for your Subversion plugin (use the "Save Link As" function of your internet browser):
- Import the saved team project set into Eclipse using "File >> Import", "Team >> Team Project Set"
- Configure the target platform under "Window >> Preferences","Plug-in development >> Target Platform" by specifying the target_platform project location under "Location". The target platform was checked out with the team project set.
- Refresh all projects (Select them in the package explorer and use the refresh entry from the context menu)
- If there is a "Unknown extension point org.nomadpim.module.schedule.dateinformationsource" problem in the org.nomadpim.module.schedule.test plug-in, go to the "src/model" folder of the "org.nomadpim.module.schedule" project and modify the entities.xml file (e.g. add and remove a blank). Once you save the entities.xml file, the missing files should be generated. Refresh all projects afterwards.
- There should not be any errors left at this point. If this is not the case, please ask for support on the Developer Mailing List.
Configure your Eclipse workspace for development
- Import our formatter settings under "Window >> Preferences","Java >> Code Style >> Formatter", "Import". Select the Nomad
PIM Formatter Settings.xml file contained in the settings folder of the
project of your workspace.
- Import our formatter settings under "Window >> Preferences","Java >> Code Style >> Formatter", "Import". Select the Nomad
PIM Formatter Settings.xml file contained in the settings folder of the
Additional information
This information is not required to set up a development workspace, but it might be helpful if there are errors or if you only want to check out some projects:
- To check out projects manually, for example the
for offline reading, open the SVN Repositories view and browse our repository (for setup see Version Control). Select the trunk folder or a tag, in our examplehomepage/trunk
and select "Check Out..." (using the Subversive SVN plug-in) - The following projects are core part of the Nomad PIM framework, they are
necessary for development (the different modules are optional):
- Some code will automatically be generated if Project/Build Automatically (menu entry) is enabled (it usually is).
A log of the code generation process is available in the