If your operating system is listed in the unconfirmed operating systems section below and you happen to find out that Nomad PIM works with it or not, please leave a short note in the user support mailing list. When testing out Nomad PIM, please remember that Java 5 is necessary.
Supported Operating Systems
- Windows 7
- Windows XP
- Windows ME
- Linux GTK 2 on x86 architecture
- Mac OS X 10.4
- Mac OS X 10.6
Unconfirmed Operating Systems
- Windows Vista
- Windows 98
- Windows 2000
- AIX Motif (requires developer build)
- Solaris GTK (requires developer build)
- Linux Motif (requires developer build)
Unsupported Operating Systems
- MacOS X < 10.4 : Java 5 is not available